Dr. Richard Pyle: Back to the Future in Underwater Exploration: An Old Technology Comes of Age

Dr. Pyle came to the Georgia Aquarium to speak with us about a new rebreather he and Poseidon are developing. Currently, rebreathers are primarily used by technical divers. However, the rebreather that Dr. Pyle presented was created for recreational diving as it is "user friendly". In other words, non-technical divers with less expertise of rebreathers can use the same technology that technical divers have been using in the past.
Instead of being expelled into the water, exhaled air is recirculated back to the cylinders where a computer system replenishes the used Oxygen and releases the Carbon Dioxide. One is essentially breathing the same "air" over and over. It reuses gas, allowing one to remain underwater for hours, not to mention the air stays warm, so the body is not required to heat up each breath.
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