While the belugas were on hiatus during our heavy construction months, we took the time to make some adjustments to their habitat. The goal was to lower sections of the rock walls on the sides of the exhibit so the beluga trainers can stand in the water and be closer to the animals.
Part of our job was to set up scaffolding in the water for the construction crew. We used surface supply for the purposes of communication among us, topside, and the contractor. Not to mention, the water was only 6 feet deep so climbing in and out without any assistance would have been a feat in itself!

First the scaffolding was lowered

into the water.

Elliott Jessup and intern
Windsor Gray climbed in to attach the feet to the bottom of the scaffolding for leveling. Finally, we attached the support bars on which the standing surface rested.
We returned a few days later, after the construction was complete, to disassemble and remove the scaffolding.
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